Encore Electric Big Sky, Montana Provides Essential Electrical Services for the Remote Yellowstone Club
February 7, 2024 – Lakewood, CO – Emergency services are the backbone of every community, providing peace of mind to those who depend on them. Whether it’s rushing to the scene of an accident, responding to a medical emergency, or putting out a fire, these services play a vital role in keeping communities safe. The construction of the new Yellowstone Club Public Safety Building provides a central emergency facility in the remote mountains of Big Sky, Montana. Encore Electric collaborated with Jackson Contractor Group to provide essential electrical services for the new 19,728 square-foot, three-story facility designed to house all emergency services and their related corporate offices for Yellowstone Club.
Encore Electric electricians and craftspeople worked a total of 9,250 manhours on the project. The structure of the building used a concrete masonry block (CMU) design which requires careful planning and attention to detail, as the building’s electrical infrastructure had to be built into this structure layer by layer. Encore Electric collaborated with masons for the meticulous installation of electrical components in the CMU-heavy building.

©Zakara Photography
Virtual Design Construction (VDC) planning was utilized for this project, which is not typical for a facility of this size, to ensure the overall design coordination for overhead pathways was evident for all trades working on site. During the project, the Encore Electric team methodically oversaw each stage of the project to ensure all the overlay drawings were meticulously followed. Despite the complexity and precision involved in this process, Encore Electric was able to execute the electrical installation flawlessly.
“Zero misses on a project like this is a great accomplishment,” said Nick LeGolvan, Encore Electric project manager. “It shows how focused the electricians and craftspeople were and how important collaboration with project partners was to work through the details so carefully, it’s something the team can really be proud of.”
Encore Electric played a crucial leadership role alongside the general contractor Jackson Contractor Group and the Yellowstone Club to establish trust with all the trades involved in the project.
“The power of relationships is the core reason Encore Electric exists”, said Bill Frye, Encore Electric business unit director. “The team’s ability to bring everyone together brought with it a great deal of confidence in knowing no matter what it took, the job would be done on time and the highest quality and value possible.”
Encore Electric relied on the efficiency and effectiveness of the prefabrication team, who were able to build some components for this project offsite. By utilizing prefabrication techniques on the main conduits, they were delivered just in time for installation, saving space and valuable time on the job site.

©Zakara Photography

©Zakara Photography
The physical location of the job site presented daily challenges due to the mountainous setting. The team dealt with weather-related issues, limited vehicle access, and space restrictions. The construction parcel was situated on a 30-degree slope between two roads, which made vehicle access difficult, and cranes could not be used. Additionally, the job site and structural footprint were the same size, leaving no space for office trailers, laydown yards, on-site fabrication, or a conex for storage. As a result, the team coordinated constant material deliveries and ensured trucks didn’t stack up in the limited space or cause any security or traffic concerns for the surrounding community.
“Encore’s management and field personnel were an integral team member in the successful delivery of this very complex facility”, said Greg Hebner, project manager Jackson Contractor Group. “From the preplanning to the execution Encore was always focused on solutions and meeting the needs of the project. I greatly appreciated their willingness to be a true partner with us and set the example as it relates to safety, quality, and coordination.”
Encore Electric is proud to have been recognized by the Montana Contractors Association on January 24, 2024, with the award for Best Specialty Contractor Project for the team’s work of providing essential electrical services for this project.

“It was really great to be recognized by the Montana Contractor’s Association for all of the team’s hard work and successes on Yellowstone Club Public Safety Building,” said LeGolvan. “As a relatively new contractor in the area, we strive to show our customers the exceptional work that Encore does, and this award lets us know that the right people are taking notice.”
“I am extremely proud of our team,” said Frye. “The team worked through a lot of adversity to complete this beautiful building for our customer, they banded together as a team and helped one another through the difficulties of the project. This award means a lot to the growing Montana business unit because it is the first project award for Encore Electric in Montana.”
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