Jeff Cann
Chief Information Officer
Encore Electric
Jeff Cann is the Chief Information Officer (CIO) of Encore Electric, where he is responsible for driving the success of the company’s business use of technology.
Once a principal consultant to Encore guiding its ERP implementation, his move to the Encore Electric team provided the opportunity to apply advanced information management practices that better equipped to modernize their information technology and build capability for Encore in business planning and strategy.
Prior to Encore, Cann served as marketing director for the Society for Information Management’s board of directors. He directed global Information Technology (IT) operations for The McGraw-Hill Companies and led global business application hosting services at S&P Global, a market intelligence and analytics provider.
Cann earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Wyoming. Among his publications are: Is Your IT Team Building Customer Loyalty? (CIO Applications), Case Study: A Spear Phishing Attack That Almost Cost $224,000 (Merit Builder / Associated Builders and Contractors Rocky Mountain Chapter), MTP Enables More Energy Management for Smart Buildings (Energy CIO Insights), Technology-Enabled Construction: Will There Be Real Gains in Labor Productivity? (CIO Review).