Swift Current 6 Lift is the Fastest Six-Person Chairlift in North America
January 13, 2022 – Big Sky, MT — While the rest of the world eagerly anticipated the reopening of ski resorts throughout the world, during Spring and Summer 2021, the Encore Electric team in Montana was hard at work making sure Big Sky guests could spend more time on the slopes and less time on the lift.
The team recently helped complete the new Swift Current 6 Lift at Big Sky Resort, the fastest six-person chairlift in North America. Not only is it the first D-Line, six-place in North America, but it also travels at 1,200 feet per minute and features heated seats, a weatherproof Big Sky Blue Bubble, and safety features such as an adjustable loading carpet, automatic locking and unlocking safety bars, and speaker systems at each lift tower for emergency communications. Swift Current 6 is the most popular chairlift at Big Sky, quickly moving 3,000 skiers per hour out of the base area.
The new lift is the fifth major Doppelmayr lift infrastructure project at Big Sky in the past five years. Each improvement offers new innovations that help them deliver on the resort’s Big Sky 2025 vision.
There is much more electrical that went into this lift than a typical lift. In fact, nearly the entire apparatus of the lift was worked on by the Encore Electric team. The technology involved is also amazing and will increase the comfort of skiers and snowboarders during cold winters.
“All the new chairs have a heated copper trace in them that warms the seats as they pass through the bottom terminal,” Brothers said.
Major chairlift projects such as Swift Current 6 are helping the Encore Electric team find additional work in the area. In fact, as work continues on other projects in the area, Encore Electric is expanding its presence in the Big Sky and Bozeman region.
With work happening in a short timeframe and on a hard deadline, the Encore Electric team has stepped up their communication skills with others on the jobsite.
“At times the trades are always stacked up against each other, but we push each other as far as we can,” said Cody Boese, an apprentice for Encore Electric
As the Encore Electric team in Montana wraps up this project with an eye toward future projects at the resort and in the area, they continue to focus on the customer and providing the best in comfort and technology to users.
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